Monday 19 October 2015


I'm all off schedule this morning
I arrived in to the doctors this morning
To find that I had both my doctors appointment and Breda at the same time 
9 30am
I checked in 
And went and sat outside my doctors office
Then Breda came and I had to explain to her that I couldn't see her
So now I won't get to see her until November 2nd
I can't lie 
Part of me is glad I won't see her until then
She asked me how things are going 
I said good more or less
She asked what that meant 
I replied that there are things I could work on
Which there always are 
We left it at that 
And I went to see my doctor
He was pretty full this morning 
So I had a bit of a wait
Eventually I was called in 
My doctor talked about his printer for about five minutes 
Which I thought was amusing 
Then he got down to the nitty gritty
Two weeks ago 
He said he would reduce the methadone today 
He brought up the subject again this morning 
I played dumb
And said I couldn't remember him saying that 
He smiled 
And said 'We'll go down two mls'
I didn't have the energy to argue
So down I went 
Just then 
My doctor got a phone call
He answered
And asked me to step outside for a minute 
Which I did 
While I was out there 
A lady with the most beautiful baby girl sat down beside me 
I could take my eyes off the baby
He name was Cassidy
She just looked so snug and content 
And I wished I could swap places with her 
So all I would have to worry about is eating and sleeping 

After a couple of minutes 
My doctor called me back in 
He told me that it was one of the prisons on the phone 
Trying to get a psychiatrist to see one of the prisoners 
He mentioned the name of the prison
Straight away I had a flash back
Of me going in to the visiting room of the prison
With a mouth full of drugs 
Passing it to my boyfriend in a kiss
Going to the prison with my boyfriends uncle
Who was in a wheel chair 
Smoking weed in the car on the way there 
Then me getting so nervous that I let go of the wheel chair 
And the man fell out on to the ground 
Talk about drawing attention to yourself 
Needless to say 
I didn't mention any of this to my doctor 
I think he thinks I wasn't that bad on drugs
Little does he know....

Back to Breda
The reason I'm not thrilled about going to see her 
Is because of my meds 
In that I am still not taking them properly 
I misuse then 4 - 5 days out of 7
And now they my mother is around more
She is seeing how bad the situation really is 
When she was working 
She was gone four days 
But now she is here all the time
She is starting to notice that all is not rosy in the recovery garden
So this is why I don't want to speak to Breda 
Because I won't be able to lie to her
And if I tell her
There is every possibility she will tell my doctor 
And I'm afraid my meds will be stopped
I know I've told my doctor before 
And what he usually does is have me go in to the pharmacy every day
But they never lasts 
And I go back to my old ways 

The thing is 
I'm not sure if I want to sort out the meds situation 
I mean 
I have it cushy right now
I get to have my escape 
With little consequence
Isn't that every addicts dream?
But at the same time 
I do want to live my life 
I want to work at the dog shelter 
I want to be free of my addictions 
But it's just so damn hard to live in reality 
I don't know 
I just get so anxious
So bored 
So nervous 
So sad 
Sometimes I just can't stand being in my own head 
The negative thoughts going around my head in a never ending loop
Sometimes I just want out 

I was watching the last series of Teen Mom 2 yesterday 
Have you seen it?
I was watching it because of one of the girls has a prescription pill addiction
Leah is her name 
She has three kids 
All under 6
One with a disability 
And she is on her second divorce 
She is 23 years old
Anyone with eyes in their head
Can see that Leah is crumbling under the weight of her issues
But she is in complete denial
An addict can always spot an addict
I can see it in her eyes 
The pinned pupils 
The dark rings under her eyes 
The unkempt appearance 
The nodding off
And talking nonsense 
Leah was prescribed various painkillers and anti anxiety meds by her doctor 
And has obviously become addicted 
Shame on get doctor 
He should be struck off 

I watched the show hoping and praying the Leah would get help
It broke my heart to see her suffering so much 
She was a woman on the edge 
And I could tell if something didn't happen soon 
She might not make it
Towards the end of the show 
Leah had contacted a treatment centre 
And when the show finished 
She was planning to go
During the ads of the show 
It showed Lea as she is now 
And she looks great 
She's put some weight on her tiny frame 
The spark is back in her eyes
And her voice sounded animated 
I hope that Leah stays well
For her sake
And for those three children

As shocking as it was watching Leah's story 
It is all too common
Especially is the U.S. 
Where doctors seem to hand out strong prescription meds like smarties
Those doctors have a responsibility to their patients 
They took an oath to first do no harm
It makes my blood boil that Leah's doctor continued to prescribe her these meds 
Given the state she was in
But I have to admit 
I can relate to Leah 
The feeling of wanting to escape 
The feeling of not being able to cope with life 
Taking pills to check off the planet 
In a lot of ways I am just like Leah
But she is dealing with some pretty heavy stuff 
I guess I am too 
In my own way 
But my life is a lot more comfortable than hers 
That is for sure 

I don't know guys 
I guess I am trying g to have my cake and eat it too
But do I really want to spend my life drifting in and out of consciousness ?
Do I really want to throw my life away?
Do ideally want to miss out on the best years of my life?
The answer is 
That I don't know
I do know that I look forward to days that is abuse my meds 
And the days that I don't 
Are endless and tedious 
I know that that's life 
Life can be boring 
I know I need to fill my days with things I love to do 
And find an occupation 
I am starting in the dog shelter in Wednesday 
And I am really hoping that it fills a void 
And I find my niche 
I got Lea and Honey microchipped last week 
My babies are now legit!
As microchipping is mandatory from next year on 
I love animals 
And feel a real affinity with them 
So I am going to throw myself in to the work 
And hope I can help myself and the dogs 

I know that I've brought up the topic of my meds before 
I feel I need to be honest about them 
And let you know that everything is my life is not on track
I know that's the nature of addiction
But I don't like to lie to people 
And I think when I see Breda in two weeks 
I am going to have to tell her what is happening 
Because how can the precessional sheep me if they don't know what is going on?
I don't know guys 
Watched this space I guess....

With all that said 
I was wondering about you 
I know a lot of you ladies are on prescription meds 
And I'm wondering how that works for you
Do you take your meds as prescribed?
Do you overtake them ever?
Or stockpile them for a rainy day?
When do you think it becomes a problem?
If you see me what would you do?
Answers on a postcard please...


  1. Where I live you can get almost anything over the counter at the chemist. There's only a few things you can't get. When I come back to the UK on holiday and tell my doctor, her eyes pop out. Really. I take anti depressants but I decide which ones and how much based on my medical history. However, I am very sensible and keep to a minimum dose. Sometimes I phase them completely. I just think that's it's a very dangerous system with too much freedom but it's a different culture at that's the way it works here.

    1. That is crazy?
      Where do you live? X

    2. Out in the Middle East.....

    3. Gosh
      Is it that bad out there too? X

    4. Yes there are so many problems on so many different levels as you can tell by the way the chemists operate. Don't get me started on doctors who don't keep records and others that sign health certificates without seeing the patient. It really is quite something. X

    5. It really is sickening
      As so many lives are destroyed by addiction that could be avoided x

    6. There's a part of me that really admires that kind of freedom Anon.x

  2. I don't dare fiddle with my meds, because if I run out I'm pretty much in deep poo poo.

    My old doctor used to write me a new prescription every time I asked for one, which I abused. A hundred sleeping pills in one go isn't that smart when you're dealing with someone who has a chronic suicide wish. Now I only get prescriptions on a monthly basis, but it's still a bit much. I have so many meds that if I combined them all, they would probably kill me.

    1. I think mine would too CP
      I joke that I am unfortunate that my doctor is not a crook
      And never gives me anything like sleeping tablets
      But in reality
      I know that's a good thing
      It's just sometimes I wish he wasn't so God damn by the book x

  3. Here in the US doctors get lots and lots of money for prescribing those painkillers, so most of them don't give a crap about their patients. Both my useless brother-in-law and a longtime family friend are very addicted to painkillers and their doctors know it, but they keep prescribing them more.

    Addressing the fact that you've more or less traded the drug for your meds is an important step.Like the painkillers here--just because a doctor can prescribe it doesn't make it any less of a drug. I think you do really want to be well, so it would be a good idea to tell Breda the truth.

    My doctor knows if he gave me something like xanax on a regular basis, I would stockpile it. I still have the box labeled "just in case" (it's empty now), which was for all the sedatives I had saved. I was planning to take them all when I had enough to guarantee I would not wake up. I do not want to end up in that place again.

    1. It's scary Mich
      To think that these people make money off of their patients misery
      I am glad the doctor I have has integrity and would never do that

      You are so right
      It's just swapping one drug for another
      Same shit
      Different substance
      I think I will have to tell Breda though
      Because I don't want to lie to her x

  4. have terrible trouble with meds some are as needed some not and it changes a lot, have 3 anti depressants, a mood stabiliser ,beta blocker and something to stop the side effects.sometimes don't take much and drink instead,the urge to over do things is always there and i completely understand your feelings xxx

    1. I'm sorry that you are struggling too
      It's really a tricky situation
      On one hand I want to stop
      But on the other I don't
      Are you like that?
      I hope that we both find the strength and courage to talk to someone
      And get on top of this once and for all x

  5. I will never forget the story of you wheeling your uncle to visit your ex with a stash in your mouth. I can picture every step. I think it was when you first wrote about that trip that I initially went "Whoa, this chick's a fucking amazing writer!"

    I'm sorry to hear your meds are still causing you trouble. I've been struggling again recently too, which was NOT helped by them changing the ativan packaging from blister packs to a big old bottle. It's definitely becoming a big problem again. The temptation to escape is so strong. I'm terrified this will be the last straw and the prescription will be cancelled, but hopefully she'll give me something with a little more 'oomph' (more like Olanzapine, but without the side effects). Much like you, sometimes I just want out.

    I do stockpile, mostly to keep track of cost and when I need new scripts, but mum is hyper-aware so I have to be subtle. Some days, I can't bring myself to take a pill, so I put them in a little container in case of emergency.

    I haven't had problems with abusing meds for years. It's only this year that my mum has returned medication to public access (for the last ten years everything's been hidden, no joke), and now it's just going backwards. Oh well.


    1. I know just what you mean Bells
      My med misuse started years ago
      When I began to stockpile my methadone
      It's so dangerous
      And we are not doing this because we are happy well adjusted people
      There is something lacking in our lives
      I just hope that we find that piece of ourselves than enables us to live as close to a happy life as possible
      Is that possible
      I truly hope so Bells
      For your sake and mine x

  6. People actually put drugs in their mouths to visit people in prison?! I thought that kind of thing happened only in films! Serious issues aside, you must have had some real balls to do that Ruby!

    Ok, back to the meds thing. Firstly, I don't know how the hell you manage to misuse Mirtazapine (I assume this is the drug you mean - I think I remember you say you're on this?) throughout the day. I take two at night and I'm completely zonked! I'd also struggle to sleep on the days when I wouldn't have any left, so I really do not know how you manage. There must be something lacking in your life Ruby which you are superficially filling with 'drug' misuse. There is a reason why you feel the need to constantly check out of life. Maybe have a think about what that could be. A year ago I was working as a nanny (I'd just finished my undergrad degree and needed something to fill the time and earn some money before starting my postgrad degree in September 2015). I was waking up at 5:40am each day to do the school run, and I was fucking miserable. I used to take Mirtazapine when the girls were at school because a) I was so so bored and b) to send me to sleep so that I could get some kip before the afternoon school run. It's the only time I have ever taken Mirtazapine in addition to my usual two-a-night. At the time I did not really see a problem with it - I didn't do it every day and I wasn't really running out of pills each month, so I wasn't hurting anyone. After a while though I realised that this is not a healthy way to live, so I bit the bull by the horns, handed in my notice and returned to Immunology for six months. My message is that the reason I started 'abusing' Mirtazapine was because I was not happy in what I was doing - look deeper and see what's making you unhappy Ruby.

    Secondly, I know it's quite juvenile, but could you ask your mum or your sister to give you your meds each day? That way it might be easier to the the habitual habit of just popping Mirtazapine (or whatever it is??

    Louisa xxx

    1. I know you've raised this concern before Louisa
      And it's more the methadone and olanzapine I abuse
      But I do misuse my Prozac and mirtazapine too
      It's more the mixture of them all together
      Rather than one its own
      If that makes sense
      I'm supposed to take my meds at night too
      But needless to say I don't do that

      We have done that before
      Where my mum takes charge of my meds
      And doles them out to me each day
      And it does work to get me back on track
      So that is something I Am seriously considering doing

      I appreciate your suggestions though
      Hope you are doing well x

  7. I don't take meds minus birth control and I'm always hesitant to take scripts for my seasonal depression because it's expensive to sew a doctor and try a thousand and then I don't need them in the summer. I also don't go to a doctor until it's absolutely vital. I prefer to take care of my ailments via sleep, water, and vitamins. I work at a women's treat center and so I deal with medications and seeking behaviors all the time. One girl came in and her baby was born addicted to heroin so they had to wean him off it too by weaning her off methadone and giving him the breast milk. It's really sad. You'll have to forgive me but I think methadone is terrible. People stay on it practically forever it seems when the goal should be sobriety. If I we5e you I would talk to someone about the need to disassociate and stock piling. You could kill yourself if you did that with the wrong meds or something bad. Remember you said you wanted to live? Well, you can't do that abusing your medication. I know this is tough live abd some of it really just comes from working with addicts 5 out of the 7 days a week but think about why you need to do that. Helps to observe what comes before our choice to do something and why we keep doing something. I care and want you to be healthy.

    1. I know Eve
      And thank you
      Yes, methadone seems to polarise people
      In cases where it's taken properly I think it can help
      It's like a stepping stone between the drug and sobriety
      But a lot of people are on way too much
      And are kept on it for far too long
      Like me
      I am on it over ten years
      And am so dependent on it
      It scares me how much I depend on it
      And am do afraid to come off it
      When I know I will have to someday

      Have you seen anyone where you think that methadone had helped? X

    2. Uhhh no. Not really. I've seen better results from subpoxen. I think of methadone like those cartoons of the animals holding on to the precarious branch or by their finger tips. It's like the person needs it as much as the drug you know? A lot of the women come from jail so they had some time to dry out. Also, a lot of them are on meth because that's the drug of choice in this state. It's all depending on how bad the want recovery but the methadone has helped the baby wean off his withdrawal. :(

  8. Remember how you used to nod off with lit cigarettes and burn holes in things? You could've set fire to your parent's house, but escape from reality was more important because addiction had THAT much power over you.

    What happens if you nod off at the wheel on the way to the shelter and hurt someone? I hope you know that I think you're a lovely person, but I don't believe you're being honest with yourself about how dangerous abusing your prescription meds really is. Lies feed the addiction and prevent accountability. If you hide from Breda, you are choosing to feed the addiction.

    I had a problem with abusing Ambien for two years, but I got it legally through a prescription. At one point (with other things factoring in, especially my depression meds, I was off my rocker and I knew things needed to change) I told my doc "Don't ever prescribe that for me again," and I haven't asked for it since. The nature of my addiction was different than yours, so I'm not pretending that it's easy or simple. I also was not at ALL honest with myself while I was taking it. I'd taken two because I "forgot" (side effect) I'd taken it already. I'd oh-so-slightly bumped a family member's car because it was early morning, not because I'd taken too much the night before. I didn't have a problem because I didn't fill the next month's prescription early. I didn't have a problem because, because, because. It was a long time - long after I'd stopped taking it - before I could admit to myself that it was a problem, so please think I'm judging you for being an addict.

    I'm just afraid that if you continue to play the system you'll never more forward progress. You can't really live life if you're only there for it two or three days a week.

    1. Yes I do remember that Tempest
      It was so dangerous
      And I am so lucky that I didn't but. The house down

      I don't drive under the influence
      But it would kill me if I hurt someone else while driving
      That would literally break me

      I just wrote a post about what I'm going to do in regards to my meds
      I know something needs to change
      I can't go like this anymore
      It's killing me

      Thank you for your concern and suggestions
      They are much appreciated x

  9. Yes you are right you need to be honest. Right now you are doing exactly what you did with heroin (using it to get high) just with drugs you get given for free instead. Get some responsibilities and then you will be too busy to spend all day out of if! L x

    1. You are right Laura
      And I do acknowledge that
      Same shit
      Different substance
      I need to find things to fill my days
      An occupation
      A reason for being
      Because I am bored
      And the devil makes work for idle hands and all that

      Just a wrote a post about what I'm planning to do about the situation x

  10. In all honesty Shelby
    I don't think I need the olanzapine
    I was put on it years ago
    When I was in hospital
    I'm now on 12.5mg a day
    And it hasn't been reviewed in years
    I know I should bring up the issue with my doctor
    And I really need to be honest with him
    And going to try to sort it myself first
    And if thdt doesn't work
    I will ask the professionals for help x


Thank you for leaving some love x