Tuesday 7 April 2015

Monday Monday

TI was so glad to make it to today
Yesterday was a tough day
It started out ok
I brought the dogs for our usual walk
It was a beautiful day weather wise
I came home
My sister and her friend were going out for the day
But I elected to stay at home
Thinking that I wanted some time to myself
So I ended up being home alone all day
And I did nothing but watch tv
A few hours in
And I could feel my head starting to go
I started thinking
And over thinking
And ruminating 
I could feel the madness setting in
And I didn't like it

I was supposed to meet a friend in the evening before my meeting
But he cancelled 
So I had the whole day alone
About two hours before the meeting
I began to argue with myself whether to go or not
I was going around in circles in my head
And couldn't make a decision one way or the other
My mother came home 
And I was I foul humour
I finally decided to go to the meeting
But I was now running late and needed to hussle

I jumped in my car
Feeling under pressure
I was speeding along 
I got on to the main road
And I could feel the anxiety building in me
Then it all got too much
And I had to pull in to the side of the road
I didn't know what to do
I felt so overwhelmed 
I rang my mum
And she told me to go home 
So I turned around 
And admitted defeat

I got home
And felt like utter crap
I really wanted and needed to get to a meeting 
And was beating myself up that I didn't go
My mother told me to write off the day
And start a fresh today

I haven't been to a meeting since Saturday
And I really feel it
I feel tense 
A little bit crazy 
It just goes to show 
I do need a meeting every day at the moment
I need all the help I can get right now
But if nothing else
I learned something from this weekend
That I shouldn't spend too long on my own
And I need regular meetings

I had my doctor appointment this morning as yesterday was a bank holiday
I woke up feeling a lot better
And headed in for 9 am
He mentioned the fact that we were supposed to decrease my methadone today 
I put up no fight
As I am all out of excuses and reasons not to
So it was dropped from 26 to 24 mls
I probably won't even notice it to be honest

For the last couple of years
I've been having a lot of trouble with the nail on my big toe 
It was in grown in the past
And part of it had to be removed
And then it started to discolour 
And grew extremely thick
I've been meaning to show it to my doctor for months
And finally got around to it today
He said it would have to come off
And made an appointment for me for next Tuesday
I don't even mind
I am just glad that fine thing is being five about it at long last

After my doctor
I had an appointment with my counsellor Breda 
We talked about a lot of things
She really is very good
One of the best I have seen
It's great because there are so many positives in my life right now
So many things to be grateful for 
I have so much support
And as I always say
If love and support could get me well
I would have got well a long time ago

I even feel better about my body image today
Which is so good 
Eve made the point on my last post
That feeling ugly at certain times is not an ED thing
It's a girl thing
And you know I think she is right
I think a lot of the time
Our confidence
And self esteem
Is connected to our appearance
It shouldn't be 
But it is
So I tried on my outfit again today
Here it is......


  1. Ah, darling, don't berate yourself. You're not required to go to meetings. Especially not when you're anxious. Yes, they're good for you, but it's not an absolute must.
    What's a bank holiday?
    Owie. Ingrown toenails sound painful >.<
    I'm glad you feel better about yourself. It always cheers me up to hear that :)
    Oh, and Ruby dear, you are so very radiant with that smile.


    1. I know Christie
      But I still need them
      As many as I can get right now
      I just need the support
      You know?

      And thank you x

    2. Yep , I get it. Just, don't stress yourself out, kay?
      You're welcome ^^


  2. sounds like an exhausting day. You get 100 points for effort, don't beat yourself up. I hear ya on the body image/self-esteem stuff - sometimes I feel like mine's on a pendulum. If I'm not obsessing about weight, I'm obsessing about my crooked smile or my pale skin or my nose. At a certain point you just gotta roll your eyes and remember that no one cares/notices our appearance as much as we do ourselves.

    Love the outfit. Adorable!

  3. oh ruby its lovely,fresh start tomorrow i think this is the hardest month of the year for me for lots of reasons/ but summer is coming.agree with your mum forget today, i often wonder when I'm at my lowest will i remember this a month from now i rarely do. xx jo

  4. you are bound to have days that are harder than others, it's all part of the process and we learn from those days too ^-^ You are doing great Ruby:3 and you look beautiful.
    Take care <3

  5. oh i so miss it if you go one day without writing, love your outfits. read you since start,thank you for all your honesty it makes it easier for us all to do the same x

  6. You look gorgeous :) I knew you would.



Thank you for leaving some love x