Sunday 24 August 2014

The Lucky Tooth

I walk my  dogs everyday
On Friday I brought them down one of the back roads from my house
In one of the houses down there, there is a beautiful red setter
He is obviously young
And always seems really curious when we walk by his house
He wears one of those collars where he gets a shock if he goes beyond a certain boundary
So he can't come out to us
I have started going in to the garden to see him
And of course Honey and Lea come with me
The red setter gets so excited when we go  in to see him
He runs around from me to Honey to Lea
And can't quite contain himself
On Friday he was jumping around so hard that he head butted me in to my mouth
And proceeded to knock one of my new crowns out
I had to pull myself away from him
And retrieve my tooth
I gathered Honey and Lea and headed home
I managed to slip the tooth back in
But it is not secure at all
So I really need to go to the dentist to get it re-cemented back in place
At the moment it is just kind of sitting there
And it is one of my front teeth
So I need to get it sorted

Then this morning
Myself and my sister decided to go swimming in the local pool
We got our stuff together and headed off
We were the first ones there
And so had the pool to ourselves
I dived straight in completely forgetting about my lose tooth
But it didn't budge
So I carried on swimming
I swam lengths in the lane
Loving the feeling of weightless ness
Really enjoying it
Then all of a sudden I felt something in my mouth
I didn't know what it was
So I kind of spat it out
It wasn't until I put my hand to my mouth#
That I realised that it was my tooth!
My bloody tooth!
It was gone!

I began to panic
The pool was now filling up quickly
So I needed to be fast if I was going to find it
I motioned to my sister to come over
'My tooth is gone' I exploded
'My feckin' tooth'
My sister as ever, was cool as a cucumber
'Ok don't panic' She said
'We'll find it, you check the water and I'll check to see has it been thrown up on the side of the pool'
I donned my goggles
And started to duck-dive in the area that I lost it
I found lots of disgusting things like chewing gum and sand and ear-rings
But no tooth
I carried on looking
Sweeping the bottom of the pool
And just below the water line in case it was floating
But no joy

I was starting to lose hope
I didn't know what I was going to do
I would have to go in to hiding
I couldn't face the world with a missing front tooth
And a little shard of tooth in it's place
I couldn't talk to anyone
I couldn't show my face
And how would I get a new tooth?
These crowns were specially made
And it would probably take weeks to get a new one
I felt like screaming I was so frustrated
Where is my bloody tooth?

So I did what my mother always does when she loses something
I prayed to St Anthony
Patron saint of lost things
It went something like this

St Anthony?
It's me Ruby
I know I don't pray very much
But I really need your help right now
You see, I've lost a very expensive crown
It's my front tooth
And I really do need it
I am paranoid enough about my appearance as it is
I really don't need a missing tooth to add to things
So if you could please help me
I would really really appreciate it
And I promise I will go to Mass at least once if you help me find it
Thank you
And God Bless!

I carried on searching for the tooth
I really was starting to lose hope at this point
It was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack
I consulted my sister again
And she decided to go and ask  the pool attendant to check the filter
In case it was in there
So off she went
And I continued my duck diving
But really all I wanted to do was go in to a corner and cry
Jesus H Christ
Why do things like this always happen to me?

I decided to do one more sweep of  the pool
I was swimming just below the surface
When something white and square floated by my face
I followed it with my eye
And managed to grab it
My tooth!
Holy shit, it was my tooth!
I couldn't quite believe it
What were the chances of me finding it?
I was over the moon
And so very relieved that I didn't have to go around with a big gap in my lovely new teeth
Oh the relief
The relief

I held the tooth tight in my hand
And went to find my sister
'I found it' I shouted when I found her in the dressing room
'Yay, high five' she replied
And we did a little happy dance to celebrate

I put the tooth in my shoe
And went back in to finish my swim
Safe in the knowledge that it was ok

So my tooth is back in it's rightful place
And I am being very careful not to lose it again
What a lucky tooth!


  1. have very similar problems with crowns - Polygrip denture stuff works well - If your crown is on a post that goes up - or if there is a post that comes down it'll help on either - Cover the post with the polygrip - -lots - make sure your tooth socket is dry - and then place in the crown just like the dentist does . Wipe off the excess polygrip - keep your mouth open and kee p it all dry for a minute or so - it'll feel wierd cos there might be some polygrip on the back of the tooth , use your tomgue to wipe this - or just ignore it -
    It is by no means replacing the glue stuff dentists use - but it's better than balancing it in . (fixodent also works untill you see your dentist .
    I have just been through this , this week & my polygripped tooth survived the BIG ONE ride at Blackpool xx
    My Worst ever case scenario - I swallowed one - you can guess what I had to do to retrieve - Gross . But these things cost a fortune .....

  2. Im not intentionally being anonymous - the names Rachel - just didn't know what to post as as I haven't got a profile -

    1. Hey Rachel,

      Thanks so much for this
      Am definitely going to get that Polygrip stuff tomorrow
      I've had nothing but trouble with my crowns thus far
      I keep getting in to silly situations
      Or eating toffees and things that pull them out

      Yes, I can imagine how you get that crown out
      I would have done the exact same thing

      Thanks again Rachel, this was so helpful x

  3. you learn to treat them like glass - you can still have stuff like toffee etc (always cut your apples!) i ve got crowns and a partial denture - all because of years od anorexia / bulimia & a shit diet .
    reason for denture the post snapped - doomed if the post snaps . - Im working now so it's £200 for a replacement , but the sticking was only £18.50.
    Been reading your blog for awhile -
    You still have plenty of time for all the fun stuff - romance - love - travel - career- kids - whatever you want you can go get...... beats the shit out of treatment hospitals =
    Im 42 now , (have issues with some stuff - always will I guess - spent most of my 20's in psych ) All those things i mentioned above , I have now - Love to you R xx

  4. toffee- only if it is very soft & you never ever forget your crowns come first - still can't do toffee eclairs !

    1. What do you mean by post?
      Do you mean the little bit of tooth that the crown slips over?

      Thanks for reading
      I love to hear from people who have been through the same thing
      I hope life is good for you now
      I hope you get to live the rest of your life with peace of mind

      I really do need to start being careful with my teeth
      At the rate I am going I am in the dentist's office every week x

    2. yes - each crown is attached via a post - either attached to the false tooth going into the gum - or coming down out of the gum , Depends on how much tooth was saved as to which your dentist chose. Please don't be tempted with superglue - it's toxic - you may stick your finger to your tooth , and your dentist won't be best pleased as it is likely to have ruined the whole thing .
      xxx R xx

  5. what an adventure~!!

    So a speedy appointment with the dentist and some superglue ;-) ?


  6. Replies
    1. He he, don't think I haven't thought about it! x

  7. Rubyrubyrubyruby

    I'm sorry I kinda fell off the map after the Buttinski situation triggered a huge relapse and I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs from about may onwards and it's taking forever and I didn't want to comment until I was all caught up becuase I'm a bloody idiot like that >.<

    OMFG YES we can go to the Cadbury cafe. My shout ^.^ We can even go on the tour if you can be bothered. I've been inside the factory a few times but never actually taken the tour. (Family who work there, yay)

    I think you asked a while back if I was still coming up in November. It's been postponed until the NHS stop jerking Starshine around and they've let her go IP at york. There will be more time for hanging out that way (Plus it gives me time to grow a pair and get riding lessons so I know what to do on a horse besides fall off)

    Lol, nutty puppy. Go get that crow re-glued before it causes more issues, ok? Bloody hell! Man I haven't been swimming in ages. I had too many self-harm marks :/ They've pretty much disappeared now though. Ooooh I could take you guys out to St.Bathans! If you come down in late summer/early autumn there are so many fruit stalls in central with orchard seconds. Mmmmm the cherries are the best!

    Ok I'm rambling because COFFEE and putting off getting ready for work. Thank you for the comments and reading and being generally awesome and I love you to bits <3

    1. Peri so so good to hear from you
      I have missed your comments so much
      Yes let me know when you are coming and I will come and meet you and Aurelia
      Fun times!

      I will email you soon
      Do keep in touch

      Love you always x

  8. Oh it's great to hear that you've found it! I hope it didn't hurt too much when it fell out (it didn't right? I mean, it wasn't your real teeth or anything...)
    And your prayer made me laugh a little XD
    Are you Catholic/Christian?


    1. Yes I am catholic
      But I don't really practice it
      I go to mass probably twice a year x

  9. Thank you Anna
    And so lovely to hear from you
    I think of you often too and hope that you are doing ok
    Are you still blogging?

    Yes, we always consult St Anthony when we lose things
    And he always comes through

    Keep in touch Anna and thanks for your kind words x

  10. Oh how lucky for you! I'm glad you found it!


Thank you for leaving some love x