Thursday 14 June 2012

Lather, rinse, repeat........

Apart from anorexia the question I get asked the most is 'how did you end up a drug addict?' and I was asked this just recently. I suppose I was not a likely candidate, I was an 18 year old girl from a good (ish) family, I had just finished school and had the world at my feet.
Instead of going to college or going travelling I ended up on heroin.
I find this question difficult to answer as there is no one reason. I think sometimes people presume I had a traumatic event in my life and that's the reason. I think the answer is a combination of genetics, environment, circumstances and bad luck.
My father was a heavy drinker when I was growing up, this completely turned me off drink because I had seen the effects at home. There is a lot of addiction on my fathers side so I probably was predisposed to becoming addicted.

Another reason I think, happened when I was about 10.
We got word from England that my fathers brother had died. I'll call him T. We were all told that he had died from a brail haemorrhage but I soon started hearing rumours from my cousins that this was not true and he had in fact died from a drug overdose and was found on the street.
You would think this would have turned me off drugs but instead it created an air of mystery around them
Years later when I started going to pubs and clubs at age15/16 whenever anyone heard my surname they would ask me if I was related to T. When I said I was they would always say what a great guy T was and relay stories about him. They were always the same, T was a great guy but he was mad in the head.
I built up a picture of T in my head, he was this popular guy who everybody loved, unpredictable and troubled but everyone accepted him. At this age I was also desperate to belong and to be accepted
and I started to think maybe if I took  drugs and was wild and crazy, maybe then I would be part of something. I found out from my mother years later that he was indeed very troubled and there was nothing glamorous about his life. He caused so much trouble at home and in the town that in the end my father gave him money and  bus ticket and told him to leave town. Maybe if I had all this information at the time I might have looked at him him differently but at that time in my mind he was a rockstar.

For the next couple of years I dabbled with different drugs but it wasn't until I met my then boyfriend that I was introduced to heroin. I smoked it the first time and the second time I injected it, going on to inject in my neck because the veins in my arms had collapsed.
At first this new world was exciting and we only did the drug at weekends so I could hold down a job.
Then the weekends spilled into the week, I started stealing from my job and I soon found out that this was no glamorous world, it was a nightmare. But once you're in this world it's so hard to get out, like trying to find your way out of a maze. I know some of my family blamed my boyfriend but it was not his fault, he just happened to be the one that gave it to me first. I would have come across it eventually.
I am a person who has to find out the hard way, you can tell me until you're blue in the face not to do something but I have to go and find out for myself.
The next few years were a neverending merry-go-round of drugs, methadone, treatment, lather, rinse, repeat, doing unspeakable things for money. I firmly believe I would not have got through it alive had it not been for my mother. She never gave up trying to help me, for a petite lady she has endless strength and energy. I am eternally grateful to her for that.

I consider myself one of the lucky ones, I got out alive and relatively unscathed. I moved away from the drugs, the people and triggers. I got the chance to start my life over. Yes I've had an eating disorder to deal with and I can't deny that I abuse my meds but things are a lot better than they were.
I am no angel and never was, I make mistakes every single day but I do try and learn from them.
People also always say to me that if I can beat drugs I can beat the ed. I'm not so sure.
This ed is so sneaky and cunning that it makes me believe I don't have it at all. I haven't given up hope but it wears me down a little bit more every day. As I write this I am planning my next binge. I have a fridge full of food and an empty house. My ed's idea of heaven.

Writing this has kind of helped me understand my drug taking a little better,
Thanks for reading this and much love to you xxx


  1. Oh Ruby x

    Thank you for this blog entry,I read it with my heart in my mouth.

    My love goes out to you!xx

  2. You have come a long way and you are lucky to have such a determined mother who never forsake you.. I think you are so strong for beating heroin - I have been told its one of the hardest things to come off.. and yes an ED is sneaky and grips you in ways that maybe drugs dont, it entices you with promises of happiness, the trick is that you have to give in to the ED to find out if its true.. and then its a never ending hurtle down the rabbit hole.. sorry for rambling. My comments always end up nearly as long as your posts! My bad..

    I hope you're ok, at least you address your problems. I kind of bury them and hope to never have to address anything. It works for me - or so I think. I guess I am not as brave as you, sometimes I wish I was, I read your posts and how much you have been through and it makes me ashamed at myself for locking things away and getting annoyed when they try and resurface. I always think "maybe one day I'll get that issue out" but I never do. I am a psychiatrists dream. lol

    Also I understand the want to try something. My grandfather died from being an alcoholic and we have alcoholics in the family yet all I saw was the escapism, all I saw was the feeling of forgetting and the buzz, and then you get to rely on it.. and then before you know it your in too deep. We have to live our own lives and make our own mistakes..

    Hope you are well hun, wish there was something I could do to help you stop b/p.. But take care of yourself <3 xx

  3. Ruby, your writing is so interesting. Honestly, I think you're incredibly brave to share your struggles here, and I love the window into your mind. Reading your posts are like piecing together little pieces of the jigsaw and it's fascinating.

    You're an amazing girl.

  4. Just to get off drugs is a feet in itself. Other than like rehab and the type of drug I swear sometimes I am reading about myself. I kept my drug use as secret as I could and really still do so it is nice to read that my struggles where not uncommon and sometimes my reason for doing things was not as strange as I use to think it was. Keep but the good work you are doing great!

  5. your strength is incredible... Unfathomable..

  6. Sorry I had some stuff before but my computer shut down on me >.< so I can't remember all of what I said.

    What you say makes sense. I hate thinking back to why I did things I did when I was out of my mind. I feel embarrassed all over again.

    The one thing I tend to think about is why did I start cutting and why do I feel the need to always diet.( besides the fact that I am overweight )

    I hope your day i much better today and more progressive :-)

  7. Hey hun.. I'm so sorry I haven't been commenting, I've been shit lately.. I have been reading though.

    I know exactly what you mean about having to learn for yourself.. My dad was a heroin addict, I *hated* the drug, but ended up doing it myself :s after I found out that my mum had been doing them, after 13 years of being with my dad and never touching them! I always knew if I tried it, I would get hooked, I wasn't in denial like most who think, 'I can stop when I want, I won't get hooked', I was more like... just waiting for it to happen. I was so distraught when I found out about my mum, then my friend at school asked me if I could get some (she heard where I lived and assumed it was easy for me to get, I went to a private school, see) and I was shocked, I remember thinking, 'kids our age don't do that stuff'. My dad was a dealer to support his habit, so I'd only ever seen adults coming to buy it...But, I looked up to her, I think I had a crush on her, looking back, so I started thinking about trying it and told her I'd bring some and we could do it together.. we never did though.. Then, I was assaulted when I was 15 and that was the straw that broke the camels back. I was just like, 'fuck it, can't beat 'em, join 'em'. I'd seen all these people out of their heads and I wanted that escapism. I remember cutting really deep the night I was assaulted... but it didn't numb me enough, I felt so dirty and was just crying so hard... I went and stole some of my dads stash, bc I knew where he kept it.. and the rest is history... It really is such a hard world to escape from.. I moved half way across the world to get away! And I still managed to find it a couple hours away.. but, I'm doing good so far, you are very much an inspiration to me hun x

    Sorry I rambled on.. I guess this is the answer to your email, that I've been trying to write for daaaaaays now! Lol.. there is some more stuff, that I really don't wanna put here, but I will get around to that email!

    I'm so glad you got out of that world hun x Now for us to learn to love ourselves and kick the EDs to the curb! Hah, I wonder if it will ever happen for me =/ I hope it happens for you x

    Love to you sweets x

    1. Hmmm... I really should have put this in an email =/ I'm not going to delete it now though, I'm afraid of being judged, but... Your honesty inspires me and peoples positive responses to you are a breath of fresh air, the lack of judgement and the amount of support is refreshing and... so, so odd to me. I am so used to being judged for this stuff. Thank you for showing me that I don't need to hide this part of myself here. If I hadn't found you, I would NEVER, EVER have admitted to anyone that I had a drug problem and especially would never have disclosed what drug. Thank you Ruby, you are a star! And everyone here has renewed my faith in humanity xx

  8. Hi dear Ruby, I'm sorry I've not been commenting. I've now read all your posts from the beginning though! I'm sad that you have been through so much - and glad that you are still here despite it.
    I wish the adults in your life had explained your uncle's addiction to you in a responsible way - it might have sunk in that it wasn't a good thing, before you found out in a way that made him seem rock-starrish. Curiosity will always prevail sadly! Perhaps too, addiction runs in your family. But please don't beat yourself up for it - it's a sign of how strong you are and how determined you are to live that you are still here - many would have let it kill them.
    It sounds like any way to escape is what you are after. Me too, thankfully I settled only for the food/weight thing. I often wonder had things been a little different and I been exposed more to the worlds of drugs and alcohol, would I be an addict instead? I'll never know - there for the the grace of God go I. It could have been different. But food has worked enough for me in my escapism that I haven't needed to reach for anything else.
    You have beaten your heroin addiction and that's a huge achievement because it is the hardest thing to be addicted to. I'm sad that the ignorance that prevails means you feel you need to hide it. I strongly believe addiction is an illness like any other, and there is no shame in having an illness and even LESS shame in having the courage to fight it as you have. Sure you now still battle the ED, but that's often the nature of this - because whatever drove you to heroin in the first place hasn't been resolved.
    I also saw your post about what happened in treatment.. honey that was so, so wrong of those nurses and they did breach a basic thing - respect of their patients. You are sick and fragile and they had a duty of care - even if you were frustrating as sick people ARE often - they should have had enough respect and compassion to refrain from such rudeness and meanness. They really need to have a good look at their attitude.
    Sadly there are always going to be staff that are lousy wherever you go - it's a fact of life. Every single admission I've clashed with someone on the ward where I was - usually there is at least one nurse who just doesn't seem to care or understand eating disorders, and/or is a total utter bitch. You can't let them beat you. You can't let them steal your chance to get help. And from your recounting of what happened, it sounds like they would have realised they did the wrong thing and hopefully feel quite ashamed of themselves. I really hope you will go back. They might not even be there - nurses move around a lot!
    Hang in there - keep fighting. I believe in you. Lots of love xx

  9. Thank you for sharing your story.

    Wow, you have some insane strength to beat the heroin. Use it to your best advantage, ok?



Thank you for leaving some love x